想來個跨國界的美食之旅嗎? 由外貿協會主辦的台北國際食品展,即將一次匯集36國特色料理,於6月24至27日在南港展館及世貿一館精采呈現。今年國家館陣容強大,除了美國、韓國、日本、加拿大、西班牙、泰國、印尼、紐西蘭、比利時、中美洲、巴西、祕魯及阿根廷等國,另外,今年新加入超吸睛的德國、波蘭、荷蘭、巴拉圭與波士尼亞及赫塞哥維納(首都塞拉耶佛),帶您進入前所未有的跨國界味覺體驗!

展覽期間,各國家館將卯足全力展現特色食品及鮮美食材,例如:韓國人蔘類產品及飲料、日本各地特產清酒及甜食、美國肉品、加拿大西洋蔘、堅果及酒,中美洲的咖啡、海鮮及有機農產品,奧地利各式啤酒及葡萄酒、泰國各式調味料及調理包、祕魯國酒pisco sour及營養的藜麥穀物、斐濟的有機諾麗果汁及FIJI Water斐濟天然深層礦物水、馬來西亞棕櫚油及Julie’s餅乾,越南河粉、腰果及斯里蘭卡最經典的錫蘭紅茶…等。

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classic chocolate birthday cake recipe - www.iamafoodblog.com

I made this cake for a self-proclaimed cake hater. But, first let me explain what this cake is supposed to look like. If you grew up in Canada in the late 80s, you’ll remember McCain’s Deep ‘n Delicious chocolate cake. It’s not particularly deep or delicious, but as a chocolate cake deprived little kid, DND (as the cake shall now be known) was the best thing I ever tasted. It’s a basic chocolate cake, in a tinfoil tray, covered with star shaped piped chocolate frosting. The cake was (and still can be) found in the frozen section, you know, where they keep the Sara Lee Pound Cakes and such.

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A chicken milanesa cemita on Tulcingo Bakery's bread. [Photographs: Craig Cavallo]

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Sidney Morgan 2

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ace: make an "A" on a test, homework assignment, project, etc.

"Somebody said you aced the test, Dave. That's great!"

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Paul, Wren, Kate, Shaun, Erisa and Candice in Semuc Champey

What makes a perfect day?

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image: http://www.kevinandamanda.com/recipes/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/honey-garlic-shrimp-spiralized-zucchini-recipe-01.jpg

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