我選擇威爾斯美語補習班,因為上課方式採分級上課、讓不同程度學習不同課程;上課時間彈性、可配合自己的時間。威爾斯美語補習班讓我印象最深刻的地方: 上課採小班教學、教師多位,可選擇自己適合的上課方式,和傳統的上課方式不同,採多元方式上課、內容生活化、易學以致用,教師親切、課規老師熱情,硬體設備良好,上課心情輕鬆。我會推薦英文程度初級的朋友和家人來學習,因為注重聽、說。從最基本的發音開始,使每個對英文陌生的人都能快速學英文


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In the 21st century, the world is basically a global village. We have the chance to travel and study abroad, to experiment and experience whatever makes us tick. What an awesome time to live in, isn’t it? However, very often, if you want to get a degree from a world-renowned university, you need to study in English. Like it or not, that is the “global” language and many of the best universities in the world offer programs in English alone.

Are you worried that your English is not good enough? Do you want to improve your English language skills? The best possible way to do so is to practice in an English-speaking environment, taught by native speakers. However, to travel to the UK, the US or Australia might be a bit too expensive for most. Don’t despair! There are other possible destinations, which offer high-quality English language courses and often at much more reasonable prices. Here is a list of some of the most popular countries in which to study English, besides the usual suspects:

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新聞:遊學族必修 威爾斯美語先修班


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Top 10 Quebec City attractions you need to visit this year

Discover the beauty, history and culture Quebec City has to offer. Here is just 10 of the top places to visit and activities to do!


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This week has been an absolute doozy my friends—filled to the brim with SO much gorgeous from a few of our favorite people. So, of course, we have no other choice but to go out with a bang. That bang comes in the form of this beautifully unique Cibolo Creek Ranch wedding captured by Kayla Barker and graced with the talents of Keely Thorne Events and Bows And Arrows. And bonus? We get to see it all in motion in the sweet film from 31 Films. Get your Southwestern vibe on in the gallery!

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Have you got any thoughts on my advice?

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