- Aug 13 Thu 2015 10:17
太陽很大不是"The sun is so big"!夏天最容易錯的英文,有兩句說錯會變種族歧視
- Aug 12 Wed 2015 10:32
威爾斯美語補習班 學習大補帖(言語的力量)
威爾斯美語補習班 學習大補帖(言語的力量)The Power of Words. Zack Lii
A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died.
- Aug 11 Tue 2015 09:10
考試常考I “seldom” speak English,但其實老外平常不這麼講...
- Aug 10 Mon 2015 10:28
- Aug 09 Sun 2015 10:36
多益最容易搞混的單字》favorite不只是「喜歡」,在比賽中的意思其實是... 0 回應
- Aug 08 Sat 2015 07:51
當老外說”answer call of nature”,別天真問誰打給他,因為他要去●●●啦
- Aug 07 Fri 2015 10:37
The Price is Right
將年薪「九成」霸氣分給員工的 CEO!
Dan Price, CEO of Gravity Payments, announced he would lower his annual salary from US$1 million to US$70,000 so his employees could make the same. 「地心引力付款公司」的總裁丹•普萊士宣布將他一百萬美元的年薪減為七萬美元,好讓他的員工也能賺到年薪七萬美元。
Price commented that his goal was not to just make money, but to make a difference in people's lives. 普萊士表示他的目標不只是賺錢,還要改善人們的生活。
Now, employees of the Seattle-based company will see their salaries increase over the next three years. 現在,這所西雅圖公司的員工在接下來的三年將會看到他們的薪水增加。
Many Gravity Payments employees were quite excited by the news with some stating that they could finally afford to move out of their parents' homes. 許多「地心引力付款公司」的員工對此消息感到很興奮,有些人說他們終於可以買得起自己的房子以搬出父母的家。
Additionally, Price explained that his decision will also be good for business. 此外,普萊士也說明他這個決定將對事業有幫助。
Since his announcement, Gravity Payments has received thousands of requests from people wanting to support its business.自從他做了宣佈以來,「地心引力付款公司」已接獲數千位民眾表態要支持其業務。
- Aug 06 Thu 2015 09:21
- Aug 05 Wed 2015 09:54
威爾斯美語補習班 學習大補帖<時尚英語熱詞>
- Aug 04 Tue 2015 10:37
green bean不是綠豆、heavy-duty不是責任重大...小心!5個容易害你會錯意的英文