Japanese company is taking it to a whole new level with an ear computer.
It’s a small clip that fits in the ear and allows the wearer to access apps such as a GPS or compass just like a smartwatch.
But what makes this ear clip so special is how it’s controlled. There are no buttons or touchscreens — that’s because it’s operated using facial expressions.
The clip, created by the company NS West, connects to an iPod or smartphone and allows the user to control and command it by using facial movements such as raising an eyebrow or clenching teeth.
夾子是由NS West公司開發,可連接iPod或智慧型手機,讓使用者藉由揚眉或咬牙等臉部動作來控制、指揮。
It’s equipped with a gyro sensor, a heart-rate monitor and a thermometer to keep an eye — or ear — on your health, hands-free.
Its engineer, Kazuhiro Taniguchi, refers to the device as a "third hand" that he hopes will be useful for drivers, rock climbers, even hospital staff.
The clip can be discreetly tucked behind the ear — unlike similar but more obvious wearable tech such as Google Glass.
compass:名詞,羅盤、指南針,beyond one’s compass,片語:超出某人的能力範圍。例句:Such things aren’t within the compass of my power.(這些事情超出我的能力所及。)
clench:動詞,咬緊(牙關)、握緊(拳頭)。例句:The man suddenly clenched my arm.(那個男人突然抓緊我的手臂。)
discreetly:副詞,深思熟慮地、慎重地。例句:He kept discreetly in the background.(他一直謹慎地躲在幕後。)