中國國家主席習近平十月下旬抵達英國,進行「國是訪問」(state visit),受到最「高規格」的接待。
習近平此次訪英之所以會受到如此高規格的接待,究其原因,還是因為中國帶去數百億英鎊的投資計畫(investment),其中尤以核電廠(nuclear power plant)與高速鐵路(high-speed rail project),最引人矚目。務實的英國不強調中國大陸的人權問題與網路駭客問題,而把「中、英貿易擺在第一」,國際間稱其為「put commerce with China first」。中、英雙方都說:
* investment [ɪnˋvɛstmənt] (n.) 投資
* commercial [kəˋmɝʃəl] (adj.) 商業的;(n.) 廣告
英國的「每日郵報」(Daily Mail)這麼寫:
應該不難發現,以上三句在「高規格」上,都用了high profile。profile一字原是指人的「側面輪廓」或是「側影」。既是側影,有側面描繪之意,所以profile又有「概述、簡介」之意。profile又進一步衍申有「形象、印象」的意涵,在現今的新聞英語中,片語「high profile」是指「引人注目」,也就是我們本文討論的「高規格」,而keep a high profile則有「保持高調」之意。同理可推,「保持低調」就是keep a low profile。你是個低調的人嗎?請看例句:
The politician has a high profile in Tokyo.(這位政治人物在日本非常引人注目。)
This motor company now enjoys a high profile with its new sports car.(這家汽車公司目前以其新型跑車而備受矚目)
He was informed to keep a low profile in court.(他被告知在法庭裡要保持低調。)
This chief engineer’s career will be profiled in this month’s magazine.(這期雜誌概述了這位總工程師的工作生涯。)
* profile [ˋprofaɪl] (n.) 側影;概述;形象
…contrasts with Xi's more understated September visit to the United States,
此句中的contrast…with是指「使成對比、使成對照」,而understated則是「輕描淡寫的、低調的」。面對中、美近來因為南海問題的逐漸對峙,美國也在問,此次習近平的高規格訪英是「Does the UK have a new special relationship with China?」──英國與中國有新的「特殊關係」嗎?
* contrast [ˋkɑn͵træst] (n.) 對比,對照
* understated [͵ʌndɚˋstetɪd] (a.) 輕描淡寫的;低調的
1. Following Ms. Aglo’s appointment to the board of directors, the firm’s investment strategy was ______ reevaluated.
(A) thoroughly
(B) thorough
(C) thoroughness
(D) more thorough
2.Mai Wu can often be seen sipping coffee early in the morning at a small café near her office in downtown Chicago. “I like to use the time to focus my thoughts before I start my day,” says Wu. Recently appointed vice president of Wilkerson Beverage Company, this notable resident transferred from the firm’s office in Amsterdam to its main headquarters in Chicago. While in Amsterdam, Wu was marketing director of Wilkerson’s European division. Before that, Wu worked in Taipei. She graduated from a university in Sydney with a degree in business.
What is the purpose of the article?
(A) To profile a local businessperson
(B) To report on an increase in tourism
(C) To describe a local business event
(D) To discuss the opening of a new café
本題的正確答案是(A)。題目是問:此文章的主旨為何?文中都在介紹這位Mai Wu女士,所以顯而易見的是選項(A)的「介紹當地一位商業人士」。選項(B)是報導觀光業,選項(C)是描述當地商業活動,選項(D)是討論新店開幕,皆明顯不符。
選項(A)中的profile即為本文討論習近平訪英被高規格接待的high profile,但是profile在此答案選項中是指「概述、簡介」,而且是當動詞使用。
經常可見Mai Wu一大早在芝加哥市中心辦公室附近的咖啡店裡,啜飲著咖啡。她說:「我喜歡在開始一天工作前,利用時間集中思緒。」這位優秀的市民最近晉升為Wilkerson飲料公司的副總裁,從該公司的阿姆斯特丹分部調回芝加哥總公司。吳女士在阿姆斯特丹擔任該公司歐洲區行銷經裡,之前曾在台北工作的她,畢業於雪梨一所大學,擁有商業學位。