Are you guys fans of Valentine’s day? I’m kind of neutral about the whole affair, but I’ve got to say: I absolutely LOVE all the cute red and pink heart-shaped treats that come out right about now. I can spend a good twenty minutes browsing the seasonal aisles at Target. I never buy anything, but everything makes me squee a little – sometimes even out loud, much to the dismay of eardrums near me.
How do you guys celebrate? I know a lot of people shun the whole cheesy dinner date thing but Mike and I are actually going to do just that – bring on the cheese, burrata please! Valentine’s is on a Saturday this year so I’m sure that everyone thinks that it’s going to be a gong show, but Mike booked a table at our favourite Italian joint back when we were in Japan and craving good Italian food. I’ve got to say, I’m pretty excited – I haven’t eaten there in forever. They don’t have an overpriced set menu or themed dishes going on so I know we’re in good hands.
We’re going to skip out on dessert and head home early though because I made a bunch of these mini beeramisus (like tiramisu, but with beer) and we’re both a little addicted. Me, because I have a thing for mascarpone, him because they’re made with his beer. Beeramisu sounds like it wouldn’t be good, but I was pleasantly surprised. Beer and chocolate go well together! These little cups are balanced jars of deliciousness: malty, creamy, and sweet with a touch of bitterness from the beer.
If you’re looking for a quick and easy Valentine’s day dessert, look no further. These guys come together very quickly – it’s best if you make them the day before – leaving you plenty of time to spend with your boo.
Beeramisuslightly adapted from Serious Eats
makes 4 mini cups
COCOA, TO GARNISHCombine the mascarpone and sugar in a bowl and stir to dissolve. In a stand mixer, whip the whipping cream until stiff peaks form, 2-3 minutes. Fold the whipped cream in to the mascarpone.
Pour the beer into a shallow bowl. Dip the ladyfingers into the beer, flipping once. Don’t soak them too long or they’ll fall apart.
Place the ladyfingers in a tight single layer on the bottom of your cup, breaking into pieces of necessary. Spoon on a bit of the mascarpone and smooth out. Dust with dark cocoa powder. Repeat until you reach the top of your cup. Finish with a dusting of cocoa. Wrap up and refrigerate for at least 12 hours before serving.